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Havn't we had this thread like a 100 times already?

1) price to performance was poor.
2) it launched at the tail end of the PS3/XB360, and barely ran those multiplat games (PS3 gen) any better at all. Ei. it felt a gen behinde to most people.
3) confuseing marketing (too close to wii accessory level's of confusion, with names Instead of just useing a clear 1,2,3,4,5 ect number scheme).
4) PS4/Xb1 were right around the corner, and looked to make the Wii U look dated by compairison.

Its saveing grace was it had some good 1st party games.
However Nintendo saw the writeing on the wall, and basically put all efforts into next gen... so there were dry periodes without many/any good new games for it.
Nintendo gambled on the future, and basically left it to die. It payed off big time.

Sometimes a bad hardware design is all it takes to kill a console.
Horrible marketing and names, doesn't help either though.