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Shit list and too broad a question. I like how Planet Harriers looks over those games, yes I am serious. I really like SEGA's crisp clean colorful look of their arcades and NAOMI/DC games of the era. TBH Ikaruga still looks great to me. Realism doesn't impress me. There is a reason Wind Waker and Okami still look incredible. Neo Geo 2D games still are impressive. Metal Slug still some of the best sprites ever. Streets of Rage 4 will stand the test of time. Terranigma. FF6 are still gorgeous games. Guilty Gear Strive blows my mind tbh. I thought Visions of Mana was great-looking this year. Same with Metaphor. Granblue Relink. Vanillaware games don't age. Odin Sphere. Dragon's Crown. Muramasa not aged a day. Realism only looks good for a moment but ages like milk every time. Shenmue was once the most impressive game to exist period but things age. Space Marine 2 looks incredible but it will age.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!