EricHiggin said: Trump vs Kamala is misogyny? Wait what? Nope. The divorce didn't happen until after Kamala. Posts Mislead About Harris' Romance with Willie Brown - Nowhere near enough solid competent research had been done by the time Kamala got the vax, not even 14, yet she took it anyway. Why? But hey, Biden also took the vax the same week Kamala did, and he also said he wouldn't take the Trump vax. Is this misandry, or elderlyandry? Lots of misogyny and misandry going around these days, apparently. |
There was no divorce whatsoever. They had been *separated* for over 40 years, despite never filing any divorce paper work.
Plenty of research was done on the vaccines, whether you believe or not. They went through clinical trials, among other things.
The Covid part has nothing to do with misogyny. All the assumptions about her relationship stuff and blaming her for ruining someone else's marriage, could definitely be viewed as misogynistic.