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Anyway, my post-election plans are this. 

1. Get my passport. I have been meaning to do this for a while, now that I can afford to travel internationally. But especially now I'd rather spend the next 2-4 years vacationing abroad rather than domestically. 

2. Buy more guns and ammunition. Also increase/renew my food and safety cache that I started during the Covid quarantine. 

3. Donate more to the ACLU, NPR/PBS, local DSA and DSA-LSC, Pro-Housing Pittsburgh, Socialist Rifle Association, and mutual aid organizations for homeless people and undocumented workers. Advantage with NPR/PBS and a few others is that my donations are tax-deductible. 

I was planning to buy a house soon, but I am going to put that on pause until after 2026 at the soonest. Very much suspect that we will have a recession in the next two years, and don't want to have too much in non-liquid assets in that situation.