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Otter said:
Mummelmann said:

You may be correct in the part about developers not learning, there isn't all that much evidence to suggest as much. But if 2024 isn't a wake-up call for the industry, that call is never coming. The amount of flops and the staggering amounts of money lost this year alone should be a massive, blinking, neon-sign of warning to all parties involved. As an aspiring (yes, even at my age) writer myself, I don't take issue with inclusion or diversity as a concept, what I take issue with is the ham-fisted way it's done. It's clearly favored over basic cohesion, actual quality of writing and narration. A lot of characters, incidents, and dialogue comes off as pure inserts, applied with crowbar and super-glue, lacking any kind of organic anchoring in the setting itself. It's the type of profound writing that high-school students attempt during their most confused and ill-disciplined years. Some of it is so on-the-nose that I half suspect their ancestors knocked the actual one off of the sphinx with their quills.

We really gotta stop equating quality with the topic of inclusion. You could remove every reference to anything LGBT and you'd still have a marvel-fied narrative, the writing wouldn't suddenly be good if you think it is currently bad, it'd still have watered down RPG & team mechanics and overly whimsical artstyle which is pretty but against fan expectations. We do not need a scape goat of "the developers were too focused on" to explain the clear & intentional shift towards a popcorn blockbuster that they were trying to achieve. The reveal trailer back ended by an anthemic David Bowie "Heroes" mimicking a Guardians style character moments is speaking to what they wanted to achieve and how wanted to market the game. 

Top comments on the trailer before social was able to latch onto the culture wars topics:

"What are we some kind of dragon suicide squad?"

"Fuck, this is gonna be a "He is right behind me isn't he" kind of script right?"

"i didn't know disney bought bioware"

"As a die-hard Dragon Age fan, my first reaction is that someone hired the Devs from Valor"

"Went from Dragon Age to Imagine Dragons."

Before being baited people were more effectively highlighting what was going on (these comments are all 4months old). It's extremely lazy and regressive to keep tying down the games issues with social politics, inclusion is not it's problem.

Your right that those issues are bigger than the social politics.
However, my thing is, I believe the social politics to play into all those issues.

You can't separate them, because of how they are implemented.
That's why we talk about it. 

Also have you noticed how many games that have these DEI issues, are poor games in general?
Is that because the game is bad, and thus, we blame the DEI?
Is it because it has this DEI focus, that the game then turned out bad?
Is it just bad luck? that seemingly so many DEI focused games turn out bad?
Is it the people hired that want DEI in the games?
Is it the consultant firms? like sweetbaby inc?

Whatever it is, there appears to be a connection.
Its one of the reason for the backlash to it.

Its becoming this thing, were if there is a huge focus on DEI, you kinda expect the game to have issues.

When I say DEI, I mean don't even mean diverse cast. Theres nothing wrong with that, or having a gay guy or trans character.
Games have had that for ages, and there wasn't really anyone blinking eyes at it.

Its this pro-noun stuff, and the lecturing stuff.... the game devs calling people (their customers) bigots (on twitter, in interviews on sites, on youtube), and hating the people they make games for. The games journalists seem to dote on this stuff, and follow right along, their sentiments matching.

Its some odd sh*t tbh.  What happened to customer first, they are always right? Developers seemingly don't care about antagonizing their consumer base. They do this, to win brownie points from the LGTBQA+ crowds and their supporters.... that are like 3-5% of actual gamers.

And then they are surprised when their games don't sell.

This is why it keeps being brought up.
There is a outcry from gamers, I honestly think.
Even the avg joe shmoe... 
They don't want their escapism ruined by this stuff. 
Meanwhile DEI hires seem to get a kick out of putting it into games, so they can constantly battle the "norms" or "chuds" or whatever they call non-binary people. This means more to them, than making a good game.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 05 November 2024