LegitHyperbole said: May I suggest Divinity Original sin. Kingdom come deliverance, Wasteland 3, Pillars of Eternity Deadfire or Path Finder wrath of the Righteous. |
I already own KCD, but I need to upgrade my rig to play that game, but I'm also not overly fond of it's style of combat (not too big on parry/commit to action systems).
I skipped on DoS, due to it's turn based combat. I'm more for real time action combat systems, and dislike real time with pause (which was why I never got into DA in the first place). It's also why I never really get into CRPG's either, like I want to, but I've yet to find a CRPG that isn't turn based or real time with pause.
I do like how ESO has added AI companions in recent years, since you can summon them, build positive/negative rapport with them and they all approach combat differently and give you different passive bonuses, so that's something for me. I know devs can make real time combat RPG's with parties, but barely any of them really stick around to try seeing one system through to refinement, hence why currently party based systems work better in turn based RPG's, because no one's trying hard enough in the real time combat RPG dept.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.