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crissindahouse said:

I think a new Banjo game would need to be as good as something like Astrobot to even get the interest of people outside the few 100k Banjo fans who really want a new game.

But it's more likely that MS wouldn't achieve that so that sales would be pretty "low".

I still think they should work on it but I understand that there's not much to expect from. But it sounds like a good Gamepass and Switch 2 game to me.

Release it on Xbox, Steam and Switch 2

If your makeing a platformer, you shouldn't aim low imo.
So many of them just fall flat, and slip through the cracks, and are forgotten.

So yes... if xbox wants to do a Banjo game, they should aim to make a high standard platformer.

"but its more likely that MS wouldn't achieve that so sales would be pretty "low"."

?? thats a defeatist attittude to have.

I dont see why they couldn't attempt to atleast achieve that.
If xbox wanted to do a Banjo game, they shouldn't give it subpar attention and just milk nostalgia.

Like what happend to conker? remember in the xbox one gen, so many xbox users where shouting for a platformer with conker?
What happend to it? and why cant people get a Banjo game if they wanted one now? I could have sworn there were like teases from xbox side, that something conker based was comeing and... then nothing.

on the other hand.... alot of playstation fans have been shouting for old RPGs, like Legend of Dragoon, Wild Arms,  shadow hearts ect.
So far nothing has come of it.   I feel like this is a missed oppertunity tbh, sony and xbox should have guys read forums once and again and pitch some of these things up the ladder.

Last edited by JRPGfan - 12 hours ago