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Leynos said:

Worse yet the rumors of SEGA revivals of Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi are Gaas games to chase after Fortnite.  If that's the case I will stick with the original CT and as for a new JSR. Bomb Rush has me covered.

Why can't we just have a single year go right for once?.

Like we've seen how Concord shat the bed, how other games came and flopped, and yet none of them seem to have learned from what happened to ALL those companies that tried to chase WoW, that tried to be the WoW killer, and they all ended up either dying or being gobbled up by the bigger publishers over the years. 

It's so wild to me how we've reached such a zenith point in the games industry, where C-suite execs and investors are so Looney Tuned to seeing nothing but dollar signs for a single trend or two, while ignoring everything else.

"our games cost more to make, and they take years to make on top of that!"

LOWER THE BUDGET, stop making games into movies, Stop ripping games into single game modes, stop trying to chase a trend that will die off before any one of us pops our clogs at 60. Jesus you'd think Sega would have learned from their own failure with Hyenas BR...

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"