UK joins French, German, Italian, Polish programme to develop new long range missile for 2030s. I wrote recently on surge of European interest in “deep strike” capabilities, incl the ambitious US deployments coming in 2026 as well as European initiatives
— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) October 17, 2024
Reportedly, some of them were trained in camps on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.
— Ivana Stradner (@ivanastradner) October 17, 2024
The world isn’t paying much attention to Russian atrocities in Africa, where hundreds have been slaughtered and so much gold and diamonds stolen. That has got to change.
— Philip Obaji Jr. (@PhilipObaji) October 17, 2024
Very interesting. One of many things to note in the article: the claim that Westerners think that if Putin goes, the problem (war against Ukraine, Russia-West conflict) goes. I don't know anyone who thinks that - they think that Putin would be replaced by someone like Putin.
— Ruth Deyermond (@ruth_deyermond) October 17, 2024
I mean, yeah. Putin, Shoigu, Gerasimov, Medvedev, Patrushev, etc...They all need a bullet.