shavenferret said:
I don't like this. Zelensky is trying to speed up the process of being included into NATO by saying that they would otherwise develop nuclear weapons. All Russia would have to do is to shoot a missle at the enrichment facility, and it would become a giant dirty bomb that has nuclear material spread all over the place from force of weapon. This is a war, not a good idea to start developing nuclear weapons now.  |
Ukraine has been waiting to join NATO for 16 years now.
But I think you're reading this wrong, this is what he told Donald Trump, not the NATO Secretary General or Biden. He is saying to Trump that Ukraine wants to choose NATO but if they aren't allowed to join NATO (something which Trump is very clearly against) then they will be forced to develop their own nuclear weapons for deterrence. He is pointing out (to Trump) that they also already had a security agreement with Russia and America in the past to surrender their nukes in exchange for shitty security guarantees which were worthless. If Trump cares for nuclear disarmament then Zelenskyy puts him in a position of choosing between Ukraine in NATO or more nukes in the world.
End of the day, it isn't America's decision whether Ukraine has nukes or not either, if Ukraine is not allowed into NATO then they absolutely should acquire nukes because "security agreements" with individual countries have proven to Ukraine in the past to be absolutely worthless and do not provide Ukraine with "security" Zelenskyy isn't saying however that Ukraine is going to start developing nukes tomorrow, next week, even next year...Ukraine is asking for an invitation to NATO, even that isn't an immediate "You're now in NATO" but years of work. Anyway, if Ukraine were to develop nukes and hypothetically Russia bombed it and it spread over Poland, then the only one to blame would be the one firing the missile at the country they're illegally invading and I think if such a scenario happened, Poland would be sending troops straight into Ukraine.