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Totally fair, I can't really argue against his logic and only a few years before this war I was pro removing as many nukes as possible from the world but I was naïve. Now we're in a situation where nukes are a double edged sword because those with nukes have a safety blanket but those with nukes can seemingly do whatever the fuck they want to countries without nukes because countries are too afraid of those with nukes.

Ukraine already had a paper agreement with Russia and America, security guarantees in exchange for surrendering their nukes, where did that get them? Russia, one of the signatures, invading them and America, the other signature, not doing anywhere near as much as it could for Ukraine's "security" is Ukraine secure right now? Absolutely not. The paper was worthless, security agreements are worthless if not enforced.

There's no better defensive pact in the world than NATO and outside of that, there's no better deterrent in the world than nukes. It's sad, but it's where we're at now. If Ukraine can't get into NATO then Ukraine should have nukes, though I'd take it a step further because I no longer trust America/UK/France to defend Eastern Europe, I'd say that Poland should also acquire nukes and enter into a share agreement with Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia...Maybe even South Korea should acquire its own nukes too, America and Western Europe are showing themselves to be fearful allies.