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Israeli military carries out arrests in Hebron, Nablus

Israeli forces have re-arrested a man previously held in Israeli prison, along with his younger brother, after storming their home and assaulting their family in al-Fawar camp, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, according to the Quds News Network.

The Israeli military also arrested four men from their homes in the city of Nablus, before detaining and beating them at the Awarta military checkpoint, the Wafa news agency reports.

All four men have now been released and are receiving medical treatment, Wafa adds.

West Bank villagers return to shattered Zanuta with keys but no homes

When the villagers of Khirbet Zanuta fled their homes last year, chased out by Israeli settler attacks, they took their keys with them.

For the 300 or so days that they spent living in tents in ad-Dhahiriya, about 30km (19 miles) away, they kept their keys, in the hope that they would be able to return to their homes.

On August 21, after a legal battle, some villagers did return. But their keys were of no use. Instead, the sight that greeted them was a reminder of the precarious nature of life for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, particularly in areas under the direct control of Israel.

“When we returned, we thought we would be happy,” explained Muhammed al-Tal, a 23-year-old villager, whose family has lived in Khirbet Zanuta for generations. “But we were shocked by the sight of demolished and burned homes and devastation everywhere.”

Zanuta’s school was among the buildings destroyed during the settler attack on the village

Israeli forces kill 60-year-old woman picking olives in West Bank: Report

A 60-year-old Palestinian woman was shot and killed by Israeli forces in the village of Faqqua, northeast of Jenin in the occupied West Bank, Wafa reported

The director of the Red Crescent Society in Jenin, Mahmoud al-Saadi, told Wafa that the woman was shot while she was picking olives with her family in the area near the separation and expansion wall built on the lands of the village.

The attack comes after Israeli forces opened fire on an event organised by the Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission to help farmers from the village of Kafr al-Labad, east of Tulkarem, pick olives from their lands.

On Wednesday, UN experts said farmers in the occupied West Bank face the most dangerous olive season ever this year after being subjected to intimidation, restricted access to land, severe harassment and attacks by armed settlers.