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China calls on Israel to cooperate with humanitarian efforts in Gaza

Fu Cong, China’s ambassador to the UN, says the situation in Gaza has deteriorated in the past two weeks and shows no signs of stabilising.

“Israel has not relented in its military operations in Gaza at all but has constantly attacked and bombed schools and hospitals, completely cut off access to humanitarian supplies in northern Gaza and once again forcibly ordered an emergent evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people,” he told the UN Security Council.

Fu called on Israel to “cooperate fully with the UN and other humanitarian entities to facilitate and ensure the safety of humanitarian operations, such as transportation of humanitarian supplies and polio vaccination”.

“They are all human beings like us. Why, when born in Gaza, do they have to suffer like this?”

Palestine’s UN envoy calls on Security Council to end silence

Riyad Mansour has given an impassioned speech before the highest United Nations body, saying that all members present are witnessing genocide perpetrated by Israel in Gaza whether or not they are willing to recognise it.

“What is happening in northern Gaza now is another level of monstrosity”, Mansour said, focusing in on Israel’s ongoing relentless pounding of the northern Gaza Strip.

“Silence and inaction are not an option. Are you ready to proclaim that while Palestinians refuse to surrender even when faced with collective capital punishment, this council decided to surrender?

“We know that many members around this table refuse to do so, and we call on them today to fight back, with the tools provided by the [UN] charter and by the law, to combat those who are obliterating the charter and the law. This is the responsibility of the council and of each and every state around the world”.

“The massacres have to stop; ceasefire now,” Mansour said.

Israeli ambassador to UN accuses Hamas of hurting aid efforts, not Israel

Danny Danon, the Israeli ambassador to the UN, says the UNSC session has “entirely missed the real issue at hand”, claiming that more than enough aid has entered Gaza to sustain every civilian.

“The real issue is Hamas. This terrorist organization has hijacked the aid, seizing it for their own purposes. They steal, they stole and even sell the aid that is intended for Gaza civilians, turning humanitarian relief into a profit machine,” he told the UNSC without providing evidence of his claims.

Danon reiterated, without providing evidence, Israel’s claim that UNRWA staff is made up of Hamas fighters and is disrupting humanitarian efforts.

“How many times are we warned of UNRWA Gaza’s infiltration by Hamas? How many months have passed since we provided a list of hundreds of names of Hamas terrorists employed by UNRWA? No reply,” he said.

An April report from a former French foreign minister found Israel had not backed up claims it made against the UN refugee agency operating in Gaza.

“Israel remains committed to working with our partners to deliver humanitarian assistance, even under these dangerous and morally repressible conditions,” Danon said.

Why is this guy not kicked out of the UN by now. Why does the UNSC just let him sit there to tell lies and spread disinformation all the time.

Mansour to UNSC: ‘General’s Plan’ already in motion in Gaza, Israel seeks annexation

Palestine’s UN envoy calls Israel’s ongoing assault on northern Gaza the country’s “latest plan to achieve what has been its goal all along”.

“We warned since the early days of Israel’s assault that its goal was forcible displacement of the Palestinian people and annexation of the Palestinian territory. What we are seeing in northern Gaza is exactly that,” Mansour said.

“The so-called Israeli General’s Plan is in motion,” he added.

The “General’s Plan” is a strategy put forward by retired Israeli Major General Giora Eliand that aims to lay siege to the few hundred thousand remaining residents of northern Gaza to essentially empty out and ethnically cleanse this part of the territory.

Israeli media have quoted soldiers who said this strategy in effect is Israel’s latest campaign in northern Gaza.