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A few developments out of Georgia.

Courts have blocked two ridiculous last minute changes to the election process. 1 of them would have required all ballots to be hand counted. Even if this would make elections more secure, and it wouldn't, making the change in October is absurd. It was done specifically to delay the results, as that creates doubt in the election, and allows them to try to take the presidency some other way.

The second measure would change the certification process to allow election deniers who have infiltrated the Georgia election board to delay or possibly deny the certification.

If this is your party, you are actively supporting an attempt to dismantle democracy. Thankfully the judiciary isn't completely compromised. Indeed, to their credit, many Trump or Bush appointees and republican state judges have shut down the attempt to disrupt the Electoral process.

In more good news, Georgia set a record for early voting on day one, walloping the 2020 numbers. Higher turnout is general beneficial to democrats, particularly as the turnout is in areas like Atlanta. One party is enthusiastic, and I don't think it's the trump voters. In Atlanta it is probably mainyy black people and even if Trump is getting more black votes by percentage (I'm skeptical) that doesn't matter if black turnout is substantially higher.

Again non-polling signs are indicating a very strong Harris victory. We'll see if the polls are missing something or catching something.

Last edited by JWeinCom - 1 day ago