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He has gone full blown Hitler with his immigration rhetoric lately, he isn't even trying to hide it anymore, sad thing is millions will cheer this on, this is who they're voting for, a low-budget Nazi wannabe, all you do is replace the Jews with Migrants in the language. Sure he "may" not do it, it "may" not happen, sure it's "just words" right now but it's straight up from the Nazi playbook and that used to be "just words" once.

Laws from the 1700s? Fuck me, Harris needs to blast ads on the Aliens Enemies Act, an act which led to America's disgusting treatment of Japanese-Americans during WW2 where they put them in fucking concentration camps, a thing which even Ronald Reagan admitted was horrific and apologised for, leading to America giving reparations to the surviving Japanese-Americans.

And how the fuck is he going to bring back an act which requires a "time of war"?

Harris team needs to step up the attacks again, spare me the bullshit about "Democrats rhetoric" and pant wetting from the media, Trump's going full blown fascist but the moment Democrats call that out, the media pisses themselves (fuck em) and others rush out to scream "DEM RHETORIC" while ignoring the hundreds of examples from Trump. Democrats can't hide the truth just to avoid upsetting some sensitive idiots (and Trump fans) when he's saying shit like this on a daily basis now, their shit rhetoric already led to Haitian-Americans being threatened.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 4 days ago