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Conina said:

"Why Nobody Is Buying Graphics Cards Anymore"

I don't think that's true for PC gaming. The growth of the RTX40-series on Steam ain't slower/worse than Ampere or Turing and it is a lot faster than Maxwell and Kepler. Only Pascal gained its percentages faster and peaked higher:

Oh no, I didn't post that video based on what that guy thinks. I posted it because it reminded me of what Yuri was saying earlier about buying their GPU and just hunkering down with it (Like how I've been doing that with my 1080ti for yrs now). 

I feel like the guy ended up spewing some bollocks when he said "more people will rush to console gaming", when we know it's the actual opposite, and just because high end nvidia cards going up in price doesn't exactly mean console are going to become cheap as chips (again, look at the PS5 Pro, and that's without the stand + disk reader), and there's nothing out there stating the Switch 2 will be bargain bin cheap price either. 

Also as a side note, seeing this image recently does not fill me with confidence on me being able to bother with the high end market anymore, let alone Nvidia's mid teir:

Last edited by Chazore - on 10 October 2024

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"