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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

I think I am at a point of caring less and less about hardware news. Like I am obviously going to post them but instead of being from the perspective of "Oh boy, I can't wait to buy it" to "Thank fuck I don't have to think about buying it" lol

Back in the day, 80 class always felt like the flagship. You started with the "80" as the top dog and then "80 Ti" the year later for around the same price if you wanted "Titan tier" performance. Yea there were Titans and all that but those felt like the rich people toys since 80 class never felt very compromised. These days it feels like the 80 class is there just to keep competitive with Radeon while 90 class shows off the true capabilities and the generational uplift we want to see... For the kidney prices we don't want to spend. If the rumours end up being legit, the gulf between 5080 and 5090 is a generational leap in itself.

Feels like a situation where instead of upgrading every gen or every 2 gens, you buy the top dog and chill for 6-8 years.

You say this, and I just finished watching this a few hrs ago lol (GET OUT OF MY HEAD CHARLES!).

I'm still rocking my 1080ti atm, so all I'm having to do atm is avoid all the stupidly expensive/janky "AAA" games, while focusing on indies and my backlog. Still managing to get by at 1440p as well and happy with reaching 60fps at this point.

I know the next Nvidia line-up will be out of my price range, and I'm still not a fan of the whole AI focus, let alone RT (I'm still happy with raster/baked in fx, I've been replaying Dying Light 1 and that game still looks fucking good to me at night time/sunset).

I remember when 80 and 80TI were considered the top of the line, and a bracket you could lock yourself into to skip another gen (which was originally what I was going to do with my 980ti, but then the 1080ti just caught my interest and I will never regret that purchase). I feel like them introducing the Titan line caused a disruption, because at that point you had folks like Total Biscuit rocking dual Titans, and using them as the new cards to bench with, which of course was beyond realistic expectations due to their og price point.

Fast forward to today and the 90 models are basically being visually treated like they are the new Titans, when spec-wise they are just the 80 models, and the general public still haven't caught onto this deception yet. 

Considering how long the 1080ti has taken me, I'm likely to just grab a card I know I can afford and coast for the 6-7yrs, if not a lil more. I'm getting older and fine with tuning down settings. I'd rather tune down than rely on AI, that's just how I'll be till the day I die (I will always see AI assistance as a crutch, not the solution). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"