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HoloDust said:
Pemalite said:

Maintain? What kind of maintenance do you require on a PC that you don't require on a console?

Because consoles need firmware updates, consoles need dust cleaned out, consoles need software patched and more.
They are a PC, just in a custom case with a semi-custom OS... And as such, require all the same "maintenance" as a PC.

Might have been true in the Nintendo 64 era where consoles were easier... But that simply just isn't the case anymore.
Many of my PC's seem to last longer than a console generation as well with minimal work to them... Lost count of how many years I have had this Windows install, even with a few changes of hardware throw in for good measure.

I've tried to convince a friend of mine, who pretty much falls into "money is no object" category when it comes to home entertainment, to switch to PC gaming for quite a while now - he just flat out refuses to move away from PS due to "convenience and physical media". I guess those sort of folks are Sony's potential customers for PS5 Pro (though he has no interest in it, so far).

The biggest ones you'll primarily get to make the switch to PC will be the multiplayer diehards. When I first got married, my brother in laws and their friends were playing Fortnite on PS4. I wasn't a fan of the game, but I didn't want to ignore their invites to play the game. They already loved my PC because of the lighting I had on it. One time they came to visit and wanted to see what Fortnite was like on my PC. Other than the immediate notice of a higher framerate and fidelity, they noticed there were no shadows. I told them I turned that setting off because there were always players hiding under a tree or something and the shadows were making it harder to see them.

This little tidbit blew their minds because that was an issue they always experienced, and you obviously couldn't adjust such settings on console. So over the course of the next year and a half, both of them, and about 8 of their friends all sold their PS4s to build their own PCs just to technically gimp their actual experience

That led to other MP games they love to play like CoD and Apex Legends where they were intentionally making their games look worse to give them advantages. And with account based cross-saves, of course none of them lost anything switching from console to PC. So you're more likely to get a MP gamer to make the switch moreso than a traditional single player gamer.