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LegitHyperbole said:

A Utopia? A techno dystopia? A return to isolationist nations? Post apocalypse? More of the same with a different coat of paint?

Both in the near term, next five to ten years. And long term, after a decade or so. What do you think the world will look like in as much detail or as little as you'd like to go into.

I wonder how people are gauging things or if it's of thought at all.

Within 10 years there will be AGI (Artificial general intelligence), that can make redundant large amounts of the workforce.
Ironically I think, the physical jobs, that demand humans do x actions, will be the last to go.
I could see a lot of desk jobs, go.  Like if you work in front of a computer all day, your job is at risk imo.

I don't think brick layers and plumbers ect...., will get replaced by robots/AGI first.
It will be the computer/desk jobs, that a AI can do, at near or better than typical humans will be able to.
Which will likely be sometime within the next 10 years.

Within 100 years, or maybe even just 50years time,... it could be every job.
There could be robot cleaners, plumbers, brick layers too (think "I, Robot" type models, that just do all the work).

Society will need to adapt / change for something like this.
