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Ryuu96 said:

Agreed Tbh.

Like I said in my post earlier though, I don't think it will be an easy acquisition for Tencent, FTC is lot more aggressive nowadays, France is talking heavily about having to protect Europe from America/China or else they'll be left behind in competitive markets and America already did a security probe on Tencent for acquiring frigging Sumo Group, Lol.

Guess we'll see what the structure of the deal will be if there is one, then it'll be easier to make a guess on what may happen, or heck it might not be Tencent but some other company, though I can't see who other than some shady private equity firm, Lol. There's not many who will want to take on 20,000 employees in one swoop.

I know Yves is going to protest it to the death (like he's done so in the past, French family and all that jazz). Tencent will need more than just money though. They'll need leverage to make the buyout worth it somehow, and I honestly don't see that working, besides them going "hey we own Riot"?.

Tencent doesn't exactly scream premium creme de la creme gaming products (maybe in China but not much in the West that makes them stand out like MS/Sony/Nintendo). 

Who knows, maybe MS might be spurred to swoop in, I mean they've gone for Activision/Blizz and Beth after all. It's just scary to think that we'll eventually approach that future where we have megacorps that own the slightly big fish, leaving just the minnows in the lake. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"