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Cobretti2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

These are two horrific situations that need not be compared in weird ways such as this, stop bitching about why one thread is more active than the other and instead go and post in that other thread if it bothers you that much, as for why this one is more active, I don't know but I imagine it's partly because there's a lot of Europeans in this thread so it hits closer to home for them, especially with Russia's constant threats towards Europe and history of sabotage, poisonings, invasions, etc.

You seriously decided this would be an appropriate first comment in this thread? Maybe if there was more to base your history on I would have gone easier on your but what an utterly garbage start which will probably result in some users blasting you and you'd deserve it. There was no reason for you to be a sarky dick to the posters in this thread.

Exactly it basically comes down to hitting closer to home. There is like another 7 or so genocides going on in the world atm, but we aren't talking about them simply because they are so distant.

Also, Imo, it is the conflict which has the most potential to escalate into something further, nukes have been "good" at deterring nations in the past but now I feel like it's becoming a double-edged sword where America is terrified of the fact that Russia has nukes and so we're almost sending a message to the world that as long as you have nukes, you can do whatever you want. The size of Ukraine is huge and it is essentially backed by NATO, what message does it send out to the world if Russia wins in Ukraine? That America and Europe are no longer reliable allies.

It would not only embolden Russia further (Georgia and Moldova would likely be next) but it would also embolden China with Taiwan, Azerbaijan with Armenia, etc. Countries would seek nukes for defence (such as Poland) but countries would also seek nukes knowing that if they have nukes they can do whatever they like because nobody will stand up to the nuclear holding country. People mention how Iran and North Korea are emboldened lately, they're emboldened because of Russia, if you want to weaken them then start by weakening Russia and when Russia is defeated and less able to project power across the globe, these countries are also further isolated and weakened.

Iran sends Russia thousands of drones, God knows what they get in return, likely weapons which will be used to kill and threaten other countries, there's no need to attack Iran, instead deal with their supplier which is Russia, takedown the leader because Iran and North Korea are only followers, both are irrelevant and weak unless Russia backs them up.