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Leynos said:
Pemalite said:

This is why you don't make assumptions, the law of total probability dictates that you can be wrong.
And in this instance, you are.

Shall I take a photo of my PS5, Switch and Xbox controllers together?

NightF0x73 said:

Series controller is so much better than One controller.

How? They are basically identical sans-the share button.

Dpad. It's the best Dpad since Saturn. XBO controller doesn't have the same dpad.

You know what? I had never actually looked at the d-pad on my Day One Xbox One/Xbox One X (As it has slightly different grips to OG Xbox One) and Xbox Series X and didn't realist it was more like a proper pad, rather than the SNES-styled D-pad.

But... Depending on taste, the OG Xbox One/One X D-pay may feel better, it does to me because I grew up on the NES and SNES... And always disliked the Xbox 360 S styled gamepad as it was a "pad" that can be adjusted in height... Just like the Series controller, minus the height adjustment.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--