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LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:

I hate insider culture nowadays cause it's feels like they're popping up everywhere and everyone is so quick to believe anyone saying any old shit, Lol It actually makes me think how easy it would be for me to set up a YouTube channel and start grifting people with "my insider sources" I always try to use my own common sense and then make note of peoples accuracy but it's too much nowadays, there's just too damn many.

If it turns out I'm wrong then fair enough I will own up to it but I'm not just going to believe anyone just because they say they have sources. Jason Schreier is about the only dude who I will believe with 100% certainty cause he has proven himself as a legendary reporter, then there's others I have a good amount of faith in but even they can be wrong too.

Real talk though my sources say Jet Set Radio Remake will cost $600m cause Sega knows JSR is GOATed and they're throwing everything at it!

Sure, if you say so, boss. Alas, I and many others trust Colin now whether we trust his scource is another issue. Like he said, it's unclear how much Sony put in from the initial 200 million up to alpha and looking at those CGI cutscenes, the idea was to put them out weekly so you'd imagine they'd have many stocked up and be well ahead of work on them cost they are time and labour intensive. I don't see how 400m is something unbelievable when Destiny cost 500m and they really wanted this to be as big as destiny. There's also the chance that they could have had a potential budget of 400 million and this confused the scource, money to continue service and the cutscenes and we'd not know how much they'd spent up until 1.0. Pretty sure that was the case with Destinys 500m. It's really not all that unbelievable. At any rate, 8 years dev and the idea of weekly cutscenes of that high a quality, ya 100m is waaay to low in retrospect. Laughably low. 

You can believe that Concord was Sony's most expensive title ever, almost double Horizon Forbidden West and almost $100m more expensive than Spider-Man 2. Games with huge open worlds, tons of NPCs, a lot of cinematics, a lot of motion capture and voice acting including from well-known VAs and far more technologically advanced. Then there's Concord, an undercooked GaaS, 5v5 PvP with 12 maps and 17 characters mostly filled with VAs nobody has ever heard of. Spider-Man 2 credits are 3,578, Horizon Forbidden West credits are 3,367, Concord credits are 1,972.

Things don't add up, Colin said Sony spent $200m between the Alpha and 2024 release but Concord also had $200m invested into it before then, so apparently Firewalk spent about $200m across 5 years but then blew $200m in a single year under Sony? How did they equal what they spent across 5+ years in a single year? How did they spend $200m in a single damn year? Lol. Other studios would be slaughtered for that. Concord was apparently "Herman's baby" and "The Future of PlayStation" or whatever, and yet it received next to zero marketing (Lol), Firewalk was apparently in a mess pre-acquisition but Sony still bought them and then dumped another $200m on them?

Firewalk was founded in 2018 under ProbablyMonsters who also owned Battle Barge and Cauldron Studios, PM received an investment of $18m which was spread across those 3 studios, in 2020 they received a loan for an unknown amount. In 2021 they received an investment for $200m and $31m. This money was split between all 3 studios. Cauldron cancelled their project in 2023 but the studio is still open, then there's Battle Barge and Firewalk. They had 450 employees in ProbablyMonsters and Firewalk made up 124 of those at the time.

I think there's a good chance that this "source" confused Probably Monster's investor roundups as going exclusive to Firewalk and that's where the "$200m" number is coming from when actually ProbablyMonster's owns 3 studios and it was split between all 3 (and the HQ) and if Sony threw down $200m in a single year then I reckon it would be noticeable in the quarterly reports, Lol. When Rockstar is deep in development of GTA it is noticeable because Take-Two stops profiting as a company, I'm not saying Sony wouldn't profit but we'd probably notice a dip in their FY.

I didn't believe it when it was first reported, I don't believe it even more now that Anthony Vaccaro (Naughty Dog), Tom Warren, Christopher Dring, Daniel Ahmed and Ethan Gach have all mocked/refuted it, all of these people have proven industry insider knowledge too and if it was just one it'd be a bit "he said/she said" but it's 5 vs 1, Lol. And Jason Schreier had this to say about it: "No insight I could share but I'd always be sceptical of a single source, limited info that not every dev would know, simply absurd numbers". Most professional journalists won't leak something from a "single source" they would corroborate it with multiple sources first.

Destiny's $500m was not the budget for that single game before release but what they had planned to spend on the franchise across the next 10 years, Activision's original agreement with Bungie was 10 years for multiple Destiny releases (I think 4 but it could have been 3). Clearly that plan changed because we've been stuck on Destiny 2 for years now and Bungie/Activision split.

Destiny Budget 'Nowhere Near $500m Says Bungie'

Also, Destiny easily beats Concord in terms of scope, content, etc.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 1 day ago