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XtremeBG said:

Okay, obviously Sony is not againts putting new console model at higher than normal price. Why they just don't combine and put up new special PS5 model which includes native PS1, PS2 and PS3 hardware, so that it could be able to play almost everything released on every PS console by that point, alongside with disc drive of course ? The sky is the limit right ? Since they put a machine for 699$, which they know will sell way less than the normal one, why don't put PS5 with normal hardware for a price somewhere around that, or with Pro hardware for something like maybe 999$ ? This would be something big.

They should have done that for the special anniversary one instead of grey color scheme. They're all scalped already and selling for up to 4,000 pounds... Instead of a 12K limited run, make a special all generations model.

But that would probably retail for $2,000 if not more. It's a lot cheaper to replace a face plate than to make special limited run hardware. Basically the original phat BC ps3 would have to be combined with the PS5 to get all generations on board. And since that production line has been shuttered long ago :/

I would also love a re-run of the original phat PS3 with SSD card reader, full BC, HDD replaced with 2Tb SSD and lasting solder.