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LegitHyperbole said:

SvennoJ.. I've been going through this thread and man, this has to be impacting your mental health. Perhaps take a break from the war room for a few days, all this could really screw ya up.

Don't worry, I'm 50, have seen a lot of shit in my life and have been following the conflict on and off since the early 90s.

I'm invested because I finally want to see the end of WW2. In my eyes the war never ended. The cold war and all the wars in the ME are a continuation. The big powers in the world continued on fighting in proxy wars all over the world.

My grandfather was taken by the Nazis and spend WW2 in a work camp in Germany. He never opened up on his experience.
My grandmother (Indonesian) lost her first child from malnutrition in a Japanese concentration camp. She had 4 more kids yet the loss of her first child drew rifts in the family. My mother swore her sister for dead and vice versa. The family never healed. 
My grandfather (Dutch) never accepted my mother for being Indonesian, rifts on that side as well.

I'm not close to any of my family either, closer to my wife's family nowadays.

Wars have life long repercussions, passing them on to the next generation(s) as well. There must be a way to break this endless cycle of hatred.

But I do stay away from Twitter and Tik Tok myself, don't see the worst of the horror and stick to text mostly. (Which is bad enough)