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Leynos said:
epicurean said:

So....I answered the question?

Edit: To expand, I view it as normalizing something that I think harms kids' development. Seeing it and thinking it as a viable option that I believe will cause them more pain than other options. 

Get over yourself and stop being a terf. Educate yourself. And I'm done talking about it

Ha! "Get over yourself". Get over what exactly? Doing research that shows the suicide rates of teens skyrockets the more they transition? Or only educate myself on things that agree with what you think? 

Edit: links to studies linking suicide rates and transgender teens

Nothing is proven either way right now. To try and belittle someone for falling on one side of the evidence is ugly behavior. I dont hate anyone, but you are showing your colors.

Last edited by epicurean - 1 day ago

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