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the-pi-guy said:
epicurean said:

I feel like I'm somewhere in between people calling everything woke, and people yelling at people calling everything woke. (Hopefully that doesnt get me banned here). The above "anti-woke is pro bigotry, anti-antifa is pro-facism" I completely disagree with (at least the 2nd part), but no need to get super political here.

For me personally, there are some games that go to far, and Concord was one of those for me. However, having a female lead is awesome. Having a black/PoC lead is awesome. Mix it up. Make it historically accurate. Whatever, its all good. I'm not vocal about it (this is probably as vocal as I've gotten about it), but I wont buy games that push values I don't think are healthy, or are adamantly against my religious beliefs (which is a whole separate thing, not related to the woke stuff). Everyone has their own personal limits for stuff. My guess is some people wouldnt buy a super Christian game (if a good one ever got made) that pushed mainline Christian values.

Being opposed to someone who is opposed to fascism is just being pro-fascist. I get you don't feel that way, because you think of antifa as some kind of organization that you think has done bad things, but that's not what antifa means. 

What exactly about Concord "went too far"?

EricHiggin said:

I think a lot of the 'woke' talk is simply because most were expecting a continuation of Jin's story, and the fact that they went another direction, and chose a woman instead of a man for that new direction, automatically makes those people wonder if it's DEI at play instead of creativity

A big reason for "DEI", whatever that means, is to push for more creativity. Telling more kinds of stories, making more kinds of characters, instead of treading the same few that always get told. They're not at odds.

If you're talking about being anti-fascists, yes, I am anti-fascists. However, the antifa movement, to me, seemed way more "pro violence against things we dont agree with, that weren't even fasicists", than it seemed "anti-fascists." In fact, they seemed to be more fascists to me than many of the groups they protested against. But yes, I am anti-fascist.

Concord - The lead designer who made a lot of comments was a big put off. Pushing a pro-trans agenda to a game that will go out to kids is also something I disagree with. I know its a hot button issue and many here will not agree with me. But I believe it puts kids on a bad path where suicide rates are through the roof. (The reasons for such can be debated). I sympathize greatly with kids on that path, and believe they need help, but not the kind the kind they are getting. From what I've seen many countries in Europe are starting to come around to this way of thinking as well. 

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS