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SvennoJ said:

Moving the discussion here from the US Politics thread.

This war sadly looks to still keep going for months with the repercussions likely lasting for generations, while the threat of escalation to a full scale regional war comes closer day by day.

- 1800s Rise of anti-semitism in Europe
- 1897 Zionism created
- 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement
- 1917 Balfour declaration
- 1933 Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party come to power, start of the Holocaust
- 1938 Kristallnacht, series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany and recently incorporated territories
- 1941 - 1945 Holocaust becomes the genocide of 6 million Jews (as well as about 500 thousand from other minorities)
- 1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine
- 1948 Nakba displacement of 750 thousand Palestinian Arabs (50% of the population at the time)
- 1967 6 day war second exodus of Palestinians, estimated at half a million
- 1967 Following the 6 day war Neo-Zionism appears, a right wing nationalistic interpretation of Zionism fully supporting Settler Colonialism
- 1973 Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War
- 1982 Israel invasion of Lebanon
- 1987 Mass uprising, First Intifada, Hamas creation
- 1993 Oslo Accords and the fallout
- 2000 Camp David summit followed by the Second Intifada
- 2005 Ceasefire and withdrawal of military forces from Gaza
- 2007 Hamas takes control of Gaza, Fatah-Hamas conflict, Israel imposes blockade
- 2008 Operation Cast Lead, the war on Gaza and the fallout
- 2012 8 Day assault on Gaza
- 2014 50 Day Gaza war Operation Protective Edge leading to 2251 casualties (including 551 children and 299 women)
- 2018 Border protests, 190 killed 28 thousand wounded
- 2019 Operation Black Belt
- 2021 Completion of Gaza-Israel barrier, clashes over Al Aqsa Mosque
- 2022 Netanyahu comes back in power while under corruption charges, deadliest year since 2014
- 2023 Israel turns 75 in May, Operation Shield and Arrow follows, Countdown to Genocide, what led up to the October 7 attacks

Hold on.

What about the previous 3000 years?

Really this history begins here:

733 BC, the first time people tried to remove the Jews from their homeland and begun the never ending fight for who actually owned the land.


Anyone that thinks this Jewish-Muslim war is only 200 years old, doesn't know what they are talking about.


My take is that there are not good guys and bad guys here.  Just arseholes.

Sometimes the Jews have the upperhand, sometimes the Muslims have the upperhand.  Depends on which centry you are looking at.

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.