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Israeli military repeating Gaza tactics in Lebanon attacks

An unprecedented number of rockets [have been] launched from southern Lebanon into northern Israel. The initial army estimate is at 300. The military says that most of them were intercepted or fell in open areas, but there were several that made impact.

Additionally, the Israeli army is saying that they conducted a series of air strikes in four waves, one of the largest in the Israeli military’s history, with 250 fighter jets participating, dropping some 2,000 munitions across Lebanese territory.

It’s important to remember the rhetoric of Israeli politicians from the very top that they were not afraid to bomb Lebanon back to the stone age. They were not afraid to turn Beirut into a second Gaza.

And we are seeing some of the policy that the Israeli military has when it comes to the Gaza Strip being implemented across Lebanese territory, with a lot of international condemnation.

Gallant visits troops conducting drills for Lebanon ground invasion

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says he visited Israeli “armoured fighters and paratroopers” recently transferred from the Gaza Strip to the northern border with Lebanon, in a post on X.

“We are willing to take any action” to achieve our goal of returning residents to the north of Israel, Gallant said in the post. The troops were conducting drills for a ground invasion of Lebanon, The Times of Israel reported.

Israeli army says Hezbollah ‘not going to get a break’, attacks to intensify

We’ve been hearing from a wide variety of Israeli officials.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that the Hezbollah that stands today is not the Hezbollah that was standing a week ago, that Israel had dealt severe blows to the Lebanese group and that there are more on the way.

The Israeli army spokesperson, Daniel Hagari, had noted that he didn’t want to divulge a lot of information or intelligence about what exactly the Israeli military was targeting in Lebanon, which is interesting because just a few hours prior to that, the Israeli army had released a quantitative list of what type of munitions and how many [targets] they had struck in several different areas.

The army chief of staff is also saying that Hezbollah is not going to get a break and the attacks are going to intensify until the war goal of bringing back those evacuated Israelis to those northern towns and settlements is achieved.

So we’re hearing from a wide variety of Israeli officials but the rhetoric remains the same. That they don’t want this escalation to last for a long time but that they are prepared to enter into a full-scale war.