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Zelensky wants to "Trump-proof" American support for Ukraine after suggestions by Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the White House, and his vice-presidential choice JD Vance that the conflict could be ended by offering territorial concessions to Russia. Zelensky's call for security guarantees underline Ukraine's failure to be admitted to Nato and other international alliances due, in part, to disagreements among allies.

One western diplomat involved in the discussions noted that it was not only Ukraine for which the American presidential election loomed large. "For Putin, the outcome will be the most relevant element in his own calculations," the diplomat said. "If the Russians come to the conclusion there is a government in Washington which is determined to continue to support Ukraine, that will definitely change their attitude on possible negotiations. But if they have the feeling that it's Donald Trump, who is maybe offering them a cheap way out, that's the end of it."

Zelensky's plan has four key points: first, a request for western security guarantees akin to the mutual defence pact of Nato membership; second, to continue Ukraine's incursion into Russia's Kursk region to provide a territorial bargaining chip; third, a request for "specific" advanced weapons; and fourth, international financial aid for Ukraine's shattered economy.

Zelensky to press Joe Biden for ‘Trump-proof’ security guarantees (