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Undocked -> Around Xbox One/PS4
Docked -> around PS4 pro
Not quite on XSS due to limits on bandwidth.

But maybe it is more than enough. One of the most visually stunning games nowadays are last gen games.
Look at Horizon forbidden west, ghost of tsushima, even rise son of rome.
Include new technology that boost FPS and resolution, adds ray-tracing, switch 2 would be OK.

Specifically, I think DLSS has a greater potential than we see today on PCs.
It is a general model for all kind of visuals, however, in Deep learning, finetuning models for specific tasks is what is really boosting results.
They could include in the dev kits the necessary software for finetunning the DLSS models specific for each game.
Giving it is a fixed hardware, you know exactly what to expect from the native render target from the switch 2 version. And finetune the DLSS to this specific pairs. Nowadays we have methods such LoRA that allow fast finetune, and having to store only the difference from the general model.
I think this different would be bigger for smaller (720 or lower) render resolutions, where DLSS struggle the most.