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Stop ‘targeting and bombing shelters’: Gaza’s media office

Gaza’s Government Media Office has called on the international community to pressure Israel to stop targeting buildings sheltering displaced people “and to stop the crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip”.

“We hold the Israeli occupation and the US administration fully responsible for the continuation of the crime of genocide and the continued commission of massacres against civilians,” it said on Telegram. “And we hold them responsible for targeting and bombing shelters and schools.”

Too one-sided to be considered a war

It’s hard to talk about the conditions here without talking about the ongoing strikes across Gaza because, at the end of the day, these are the byproducts of the intense bombing campaign that has killed over 41,000 civilians.

It also caused a level of destruction, including the infrastructure, the public facilities, and, right now, the constant, ongoing, deliberate attacks on families inside their residential homes.

It’s just hard to consider this a war because, since the beginning, it has been largely one-sided, dominated by the Israeli military, but we’re seeing it on a daily basis.

The past few hours have been quite difficult here at Al-Aqsa Hospital. Again, this courtyard has turned into a stage for funerals for those who’ve been killed in the overnight attacks or early hours of this morning, and we talk about entire families being killed.

People here are dying on a daily basis because of infectious diseases that are not treatable because of the acute shortage of medical supplies and the inability of these health facilities to stand intact and intervene and save lives.

Lebanon distracting from the ‘killing machine’ in Gaza

We’re seeing the Israeli military carrying out military operations across the Gaza Strip. Deadly air strikes, coupled with heavy artillery shelling, and the fact that we are looking at 41,000 people killed is an indication that Palestinians in Gaza have already been forgotten by the world.

If you look at the UN Security Council and how many meetings were held, how many resolutions were passed; if you look at the ICC and its rulings, what we’re seeing on the ground is completely the opposite, contrary to any of these rulings or resolutions.

The evolving events on the northern front, in Lebanon, will just make things worse here because the Israeli military keeps carrying out deadly attacks.

And it’s distracting for everyone paying attention to what’s going on in Lebanon, but the killing machine continues to cause further civilian casualties, destroy remaining in tax facilities or infrastructure if there is any left.