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Israeli forces attack ambulance crew in Nablus

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said Israeli soldiers assaulted its ambulance crew as they were “trying to evacuate a sick child” in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, the Wafa news agency reports.

Israeli forces stormed Nablus earlier tonight, resulting in clashes with Palestinian resistance groups in the city.

Israeli military raids have been reported elsewhere in the occupied West Bank. They include:

  • the town of Deir al-Ghusun, north of Tulkarem
  • the city of Salfit, where Israeli forces have arrested a man
  • the al-Fawar camp, south of Hebron, where more arrests have been reported.

Palestinian teenager shot dead near Ramallah

A teenager has been shot dead by the Israeli army near the town of Nilin, west of Ramallah, the Palestinian news agency Wafa has reported. The 17-year-old Palestinian child from the town of Hableh was heading to visit his friends in the city of Ramallah, the family told the news agency.

It is unclear what triggered the shooting. Israeli forces have been carrying out raids across the occupied West Bank amid rising tensions triggered by the war in Gaza.

Palestinian man beaten by Israeli settlers in occupied West Bank

Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian man in the village of Khallet al-Dabaa in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported. Muhammad Dababseh was assaulted as Israeli soldiers stood nearby, the incident causing him injuries, the agency said.

Dababseh was later transferred to hospital for medical treatment, Wafa reported.