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Israeli forces arrest three Palestinians in raids across Ramallah

Israeli soldiers have arrested three young Palestinian men during a raid on the town of Silwad in the Ramallah and el-Bireh governorate of the occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency is reporting.

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic also reported that Israeli forces were besieging several streets in the city of Ramallah in the vicinity of the Palestinian Authority’s presidential headquarters.

Israeli forces arrest wife of jailed Palestinian political leader

Israeli forces have arrested the wife of Ahmed Saadat, the long-imprisoned leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, during a raid on their home in the city of el-Bireh, in the occupied West Bank, our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic report.

Ahmed Saadat has been imprisoned by Israel since one month after he was elected as a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) in January 2006.

Israeli forces carry out arrests in Balata camp, Madama

The Israeli military has stormed the Balata refugee camp near the city of Nablus in the occupued West bank and arrested three men, according to the Wafa news agency. A fourth man has also been arrested in the village of Madama, south of Nablus, Wafa reports.

Israeli separation wall and checkpoints in the occupied West Bank

Since 2002, Israel has been constructing a wall that stretches for more than 700km (435 miles), cutting deep into Palestinian territory. Israel has also constructed hundreds of road obstacles and checkpoints, severely limiting Palestinian freedom of movement.

While Palestinians may have to wait for hours at these checkpoints and travel along segregated road networks, Israelis can travel freely on their own “bypass roads” which have been built on Palestinian land to connect illegal Israeli settlements to major metropolitan areas inside Israel.

To find out more about the geography, history and living conditions of the millions of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, you can read our explainer, here.

Thirty Palestinians arrested across West Bank

Israeli forces have arrested 30 Palestinians, including a child and former prisoners, in the past day, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. Those detained include activist Abla Saadat, wife of imprisoned Popular Front Secretary-General Ahmed Saadat and journalist Qutaiba Hamdan, the group said.

At least 10,700 people have been arrested in the occupied territory, including East Jerusalem, since Israel’s war on Gaza started last October.

Palestinian killed in Israeli gunfire in occupied West Bank: Ministry

A Palestinian was killed by Israeli gunfire near the village of al-Jarushiya in Tulkarem district, the Palestinian Health Ministry says.

Stop forcible transfer of Palestinian herding communities: UN

The UN Human Rights Office denounced ongoing Israeli settler attacks and harassment of the community of al-Muarrajat, one of the last two remaining Palestinian Bedouin communities between Ramallah and Jericho.

The attacks, the OHCHR said, are being perpetrated with the complicity of Israeli forces. It cited an incident yesterday where Israeli settlers attacked the primary school in al-Muarrajat and nearby homes for hours.

“They assaulted teachers, pupils, and activists present in the village as protective presence with sticks and iron bars. Nine Palestinians were injured during the attack, including three Palestinian women who sustained hairline fractures, four women teachers and a foreign activist,” OHCHR said.

It also said when Israeli forces arrived, instead of stopping the attack, they arrested the school principal and another community member.

“These assaults are taking place within a concerted attack on the community, calculated to force them to leave their land and homes. The attack on al-Muarrajat community follows the recent forcible displacement of other tens of long-standing Bedouin communities from the Jordan Valley.”

More than 1,600 Palestinians from herding and farming communities have been forced to leave their homes since October 7 following settler violence and systematic restrictions on access to water, grazing land and basic needs, with the collusion of Israeli authorities, it said.