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RolStoppable said:
JWeinCom said:

Sorry to those who think we have to handle Trump with kids gloves, but it has to be said. This is exactly the sort of thing Hitler did. This kind of rhetoric is what lays the groundwork for atrocities. Sorrynotsorry.

It's reported that there have been 33 bomb threats in Springfield Ohio during the past seven days. Meanwhile, Vance is telling America that the democrats have to dial down their rhetoric, shortly after he himself admitted that the pet-eating-story he pushed is made up. The created story that quickly led to direct consequences that are without any shred of doubt linked to the behavior of Trump and Vance. On the other hand, there's no link whatsoever between the rhetoric of the democrats and the latest attempted assassination on Trump.

Just a few days ago you said something to the effect that the American people are stupid. Yes, they truly are when they are falling for something as basic as this.

There have always been these kinds of people in America, and I presume in other countries. However, while I may disagree with them on many things, people like Bush, McCain, and Romney were decent enough to not try and appeal to the lunatic fringe. It's hard to imagine what things would have been like if Trump had been president on 9/11. Don't think Bush handled it well, but at least he did not try to incite people against muslim Americans, even though it would probably have been a politically savvy move. Trump on the other hand will say anything he thinks will help him. Especially now as losing the election may mean going to prison.

When Trump lost the election and then insisted he won and tried to illegally change the results, I honestly thought that would be a bridge too far. It's clear now that the vast majority of them are spineless, power hungry, or both. Aside from a select few, they will not speak out against Trump no matter what. Fellas, find yourself a woman who will support you like the Republicans support Trump.