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Jumpin said:
BFR said:

Pem: "And I would argue the USA lacks the ambition to reach for the stars these days as well."

We have two functioning rovers on Mars. Name me another country that has even one functioning rover on Mars.

Wanna go further than Mars?

"Voyager 1 is the most distant man-made object in space, currently 164.7 Astronomical Units (AU) from Earth. It's traveling at a speed of 38,026.79 miles per hour (17.0 kilometers per second) relative to the Sun."

China landed a functioning rover on Mars years ago. If your point is that China isn’t capable of this sort of technology, this proves you wrong.

I know all about that rover. My point is that only the USA has functioning rovers on Mars today.

Curiosity - Landed on August 6, 2012

Perserverance - Landed on Feb. 18, 2021

Zhurong - Landed on May 14, 2021 and lasted for about 1 year

No other country has been able to land and operate a rover on Mars.