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LegitHyperbole said:
Pajderman said:

This is an aspect that I do not think is mentioned so often. We as gamers want as many games as possible on our chosen platform to play. But for someone who publish games seeing the large numbers of other games one have to compete with can probably be a bit disheartening. At the same time a large pool of games usually means a higher amount of systems sold. 

But console sales is obviously not the only factor. How easy it is to develop for is also a major reason one system is chosen instead of another. I think that this is an area where Switch somehow succeeded. Even if the power is significantly lower so many games have been ported over to it, even before the system was a runaway success.  

Agreed. It's insane. Nintendo and Sony really need a seal of approval like Nintendo had back in the day, at what point does having so much crap come onto the system hurt them? They really, really need to curate that store, I suppose the mobile market is strong though and that's saturated to all hell. They must be making money somehow on this shovelware mobile trash. 

They're just following the trends - everyone opened up their gates and allowed for every crap to be published, so they can get their 30% cut. 30% of any crap that sells is still money for them.

I really do miss days of curated stores.