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There isn't much of a difference betwee nthe 13900K and the 14900K, so it makes sense to send one if there are no more 13th gen chips available.

Anyway, here are some news that didn't quite fit the gaming news, but may interest, surprise or get a WTF? from you:

The Watch Dogs movie has finished filming, probably can't do worse than the Borderlands movie did

>>The Minecraft trailer disagrees with that headline.

Flappy Bird makes an unlikely comeback after its creator apparently let the trademark lapse and the vultures swept right in

Flappy Bird creator says he's got nothing to do with the game's zombie comeback—'I did not sell anything'

>> I'm not sure if the game will launch on PC or not, hence why I didn't post it in the news, but I'd avoid it like a plague given what those articles say.

Intel was in the running to make the PlayStation 6 APU but lost out to AMD due to disputes over profit margins, report claims
With the launch of the PlayStation 5 Pro, AMD continues to be the console chip maker of choice, and given its history with Sony, we've all expected that it will remain in place for the PS6. However, according to a new report, multiple processor companies competed for the chip contract, including Intel, which ultimately lost to AMD over disputes about profit margins.

The report in question comes from Reuters so it's not some random tech blogger who has said this, though naturally there aren't any named sources for the information. It's being claimed that AMD, Broadcom, Intel, and other chip companies all submitted bids for designing and manufacturing the processor that will power Sony's next-generation PlayStation console.

>> I could see they having gone for Broadcom if they wanted to shift to ARM, but Intel? Well, that would have allowed them to sell, again, PS4/5 games as they would not compatible with the new architecture, which is something Sony would absolutely do.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.