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Jordan’s king urges new PM to defend ‘our Palestinian brothers and sisters’

In a letter to Jafar Hassan, Jordan’s new prime minister, King Abdullah II directed the new government to do all it can for the country’s Palestinian neighbours.

“Jordan stands resolutely against the war on Gaza and the violations in the West Bank and Jerusalem,” the Jordanian king wrote.

Jordan has attempted to walk a political tightrope by maintaining diplomatic relations with Israel since the war on Gaza began.

The stance has angered a significant portion of Jordan’s citizens, many of whom are descendants of the Palestinians forced out of their lands in both the Nakba and the 1967 war.

Arab Americans in Michigan angered by US support for Israel’s war on Gaza

In an Arab-American community that once supported Democrats, many now feel angry and betrayed.

At ArabCon, the US support for Israel’s war on Gaza left many frustrated with the current administration. Speakers at the convention emphasised putting community over party, with some choosing to back third-party candidates.

Concerns were raised about the ongoing mental health crisis in Gaza and the impact on future generations. Arab Americans in Michigan voiced their outrage over the war and the US government’s role, highlighting the potential political effect in the upcoming election.