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Settler attacks intensifying in West Bank with army protection

Settler attacks have been on the rise in the Jordan Valley area and in Jericho. This is also the case where we are now, which is called H2 located in Hebron to the south of the occupied West Bank.

Palestinians cannot use their cars on the road and this has been the case for years. But what has changed recently is that Palestinians have a curfew from around 10pm to 9am the next day.

On Fridays and Saturdays, Palestinians in Hebron are not allowed to move in these streets.

We’ve been hearing difficult testimonies from people in the area, talking about the intimidation they face from settler attacks. The latest was an attack on Sunday when settlers came here with protection from Israeli forces and started shooting, forcing many Palestinians to leave the area.

Settlers are getting increasing access to arms. And settlers have taken over a building here, raising a flag. The goal is to depopulate these areas by making life so difficult that people will leave.

Twenty Palestinians arrested across West Bank

Israeli forces have arrested 20 Palestinians, including a child and former prisoners, since yesterday, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. The group said arrests took place across the occupied West Bank, with Israeli forces also threatening detainees and their families.

At least 10,700 people have been arrested in the occupied territory, including East Jerusalem, since Israel’s war on Gaza started last October.

Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemns ‘settler terrorism’ after school attack

As we previously reported, a group of Israeli settlers have attacked a school in the occupied West Bank, the latest such assault by residents of illegal settlements.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement condemning the attack on the Ka’abneh Bedouins School in Jericho, calling it an extension of the Israeli “crime of ethnic cleansing” against Palestinians.

The ministry warned that the “settler’s terrorism” will lead to more assaults on Palestinians, adding that such attacks reflect official Israeli policy adopted by the government and supervised by “extremist ministers”, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Palestinian dies month after being shot in Israeli attack: Ministry

Ahmed Omar Azqili, 43, has died due to critical wounds he sustained from Israeli gunfire in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin about a month ago, the Palestinian Ministry of Health says.

Ten maps to understand the occupied West Bank

As Israel’s war on Gaza nears the one-year mark, assaults across the occupied West Bank also continue, with at least 703 people killed by Israeli forces since October 7.

Despite Gaza and the West Bank being just 33km (21 miles) apart at their closest points, Israeli restrictions have long prevented travel and interaction between the two Palestinian territories, even before the recent conflict.

To better understand the effect of these restrictions and the situation on the ground, take a look at our visual overview of the geography, history and living conditions of the millions of Palestinians in the West Bank here.