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Israel issues 33 administrative detention orders in one day

Israel has issued 33 orders placing Palestinians under administrative detention in a single day – without trial or charge, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society and the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs.

“Since October 7, the number of administrative detention orders reached more than 8,872,” the two organisations said in a statement.

The orders affected 3,323 Palestinians, including women and children, the commission said.

These people have either been arrested under new administrative orders or remained in prison for renewable periods of time, meaning the arrest duration is indefinite and could last for many years.

Israeli forces conduct raids in several areas West Bank: Report

Palestinian news agency Wafa is reporting recent raids in several areas of the occupied West Bank.

  • Israeli forces assaulted a Palestinian family earlier this afternoon after raiding their home in the village of Abu al-Asja, southwest of Hebron, Wafa said, citing Palestinian security sources. The army raided the home of Khalil Namoura, causing significant damage to the property. There were no casualties.
  • Clashes broke out between Israeli forces and Palestinian residents in the town of Beit Liqya, west of Ramallah, after a military incursion into the city, said security sources. Israeli soldiers opened fire with live ammunition. However, no injuries were reported.
  • Israeli forces stormed several areas in the Nablus governorate and threw tear gas canisters at residents, according to local sources. No injuries or detentions were reported.

One Israeli injured in stabbing attack

A 20-year-old Israeli border police officer was injured in a stabbing attack at the Damascus Gate in occupied East Jerusalem, the Magen David Adom ambulance service has said.

The incident took place near the Old City’s Damascus Gate. Medics said that the man sustained mild injuries to the upper body and was evacuated to hospital. Police said they “neutralised” the assailant. He was shot dead by an Israeli border police officer.

Palestinian media reported that the assailant was a Palestinian citizen of Israel. Police have not identified him.

Fighting in Balata refugee camp after Israeli raid

The sound of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters can be heard in footage from Balata verified by Al Jazeera. The refugee camp, which is in Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank, has repeatedly been targeted by Israeli forces.

Israeli authorities force Palestinian family to demolish own home

Israeli authorities have forced the Elayyan family to demolish their own home in Beit Safafa, in occupied East Jerusalem, Wafa reports.

The Israeli municipality ruled the house must be destroyed because it was built without permits, which are notoriously difficult for Palestinians to obtain. Ahmed Elayyan lived in the house with four other family members.

Since October 7, more than 307 houses have been demolished in East Jerusalem, according to a report by Palestinian authorities.

The home demolitions have been repeatedly criticised by human rights organisations, and Palestinians cite them as evidence of the injustice they face at the hands of the Israeli occupation.