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Some 23 Palestinian workers arrested at Israeli checkpoint near Ramallah

Israeli forces arrested 23 Palestinians trying to return to their workplaces in Israel at a checkpoint near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank, our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic are reporting, citing local sources.

Israeli settlers rush into Hebron’s Old City, backed by soldiers

Dozens of Israeli settlers – escorted by Israeli troops – entered the Old City of Hebron in the southern West Bank, forcing Palestinians to hastily flee the area.

Badr al-Daour, a merchant in the Old City, told Turkey’s Anadolu news agency that “the storming of Hebron by settlers aims to drive out the [Palestinian] residents”.

“When settlers come through the area, it means that life comes to a halt,” he said, adding that the incursions are marked by “violations, offensive language, thefts, and vandalism”.

“Despite the heavy military presence, life in the area of our ancestors and grandparents will not stop, no matter how much they try to create a hostile environment,” said al-Daour.

Settlers fire live rounds in attack on West Bank village

The Wafa news agency is reporting that dozens of settlers have attacked the village of Umm Safa, northwest of the city of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, and fired live bullets at Palestinians’ homes.

Marwan Sabah, the head of the village council, told Wafa that the settler raid occurred under the protection of the Israeli military. He said two young Palestinian men were wounded while trying to escape the settlers and were transferred to the hospital.

The attack on Umm Safa came as dozens of Israeli settlers – escorted by Israeli troops – raided the Old City of Hebron as well as Khalayel al-Louz, west of Bethlehem, according to Wafa.

Clashes as Israeli forces raid West Bank towns, villages

The Wafa news agency is reporting clashes in the occupied West Bank’s Zeita after Israeli soldiers raided the northern town. The agency said Israeli soldiers fired live bullets and tear gas in confrontations with young Palestinian men there.

Zeita is located northwest of the city of Tulkarem, where Israel’s military ended a large-scale deadly operation just days ago.

Israeli raids also triggered clashes in the villages of Madama, Urif and Yitma, which are located south of the city of Nablus, according to Wafa.

Meanwhile, a large contingent of Israeli soldiers, accompanied by a military bulldozer, was seen in the eastern neighbourhoods of the city of Jenin. The northern city was targeted in Israel’s recent militarised operation alongside Tulkarem and Tubas and is still reeling from the Israeli attacks.

Wafa and Al Jazeera Arabic also reported Israeli raids in the following locations:

  • The village of Dar Salah, east of Bethlehem
  • The town of Al Khader, south of Bethlehem
  • The village of Deir Abu Mash’al, northwest of Ramallah
  • The village of Qarawat Bani Zeid, northwest of Ramallah

The military raids came as Israeli settlers also launched a series of attacks in the occupied West Bank, including on the village of Umm Safa, northwest of the city of Ramallah.