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Students in Michigan find new way to rally against Israel’s war on Gaza

Students in the US have been searching for new ways to demonstrate against Israel’s war on Gaza after universities shut down their protest camps.

Some are using a powerful new tactic – money.

US Muslim group criticizes university for Israeli soldier speaking invitation

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called on Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, to condemn a speaking engagement for an Israeli soldier who participated in the war on Gaza.

“Inviting any individual who has allegedly documented their presence in the homes of families suffering from forced displacement and genocide perpetuates a narrative of oppression, exacerbates tensions on campus, and fosters an unhealthy academic environment,” CAIR’s Zainab Chaudry said in a statement about the invitation extended by Johns Hopkins Hillel, a Jewish students group.

“The university should be a place where all students feel safe and valued, not where the pain and trauma of oppressed communities is trivialized and compounded.”