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While not an exact 1:1 comparison, the 4070 is certainly the closest GPU the Pro can compare to in terms of raw horsepower. The capabilities of PSSR being the biggest unknown but will be the biggest reason why the Pro potentially succeeds in its claims. With no noticeable CPU upgrades, that means the CPU will be a bottleneck, which it already has been in several notable cases. A cheap $120 CPU can outclass what the Pro has. You can't have a beefy GPU with a weaker CPU, and vice versa, otherwise you'll never be fully taking advantage of the hardware you have.

I think this is where PSSR will really have to show what it's capable of to alleviate the bottleneck. Dragon's Dogma 2 will be the best immediate example at the consoles release. It's a heavily CPU bound game and consoles really struggled running it. And with the framerate already unlocked on console, what the Pro is capable of will immediately be apparent. But this also will be first generation of PSSR, so I won't be surprised if it will take refinement or even entirely new hardware such as the PS6 for the tech to really shine as features such as Frame Generation doesn't appear to be available in this first iteration.