LegitHyperbole said: I get the sense that most people are like me and didn't like Horizon FW or Ragnorok and were disappointed. GT7 while great now was a pissed even hardcore fans off with MTX. People are burned out on First party Sony. GoW Vallhala brought back some praise to hardcore fans so there's that but it was short. This is just me gauging the vibes though. Ask most people do they want another GOW game now or spiderman and they'll tell ya no. For me the slap in the face was the atreus level and the constant handholding, people are also pissed with how flat the characters are in HFW and Aloy herself. They done to great with stuff like GOT and returnal to return to this formulaic vibe, there need to let this stuff rest for a while. |
GT7 and Ragnarok are both the fastest-selling games in their franchises and Forbidden West was up there with ZD until it came to PS Plus.
I think you're putting too much stock on echo chambers. Reminds me of when people began to complain about COD and AC like 12 years ago but then the games came out and they were still breaking records. 95%+ of players aren't discussing this stuff online.