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Abortion is not a decision taken lightly, it can often be both a physically and mentally draining experience, nobody takes pleasure in having to go through that experience, people are not "pro-abortion" in the sense that Republicans claim but "pro-choice" as the fact remains that it is their body, their choice, we do not believe in controlling women and taking away their rights.

Forcing a woman who was raped to carry her baby to term is fucking sick. Forcing them to carry a baby to term that they don't want and can't look after is shitty too. Republicans who are "pro-life" largely don't give a shit about what happens to the baby afterwards, if they did then they'd all be heavily adopting considering the amount of unwanted babies that already exist in the system going years without being adopted.

As already pointed out as well, abortion saves lives in many cases too, a complete abortion ban has the opposite effect, they in fact put lives in danger, they force people to carry to term unviable pregnancies that put women's lives in danger, they force desperate women into desperately unsafe situations in efforts to get abortions and severely damage a woman's mental health.

And yes, I consider a woman's life more important than a foetus before it even has consciousness.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 5 days ago