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IkePoR said:

While I will concede that most of inflation is covid related in some form including most of your examples, Putin invading Ukraine and America's open border are not.

That would be a great retort if that was my original statement.  

Literally the first sentence.

You couldn't even be bothered to look at it before sperging about how stupid people are.

Show some evidence that the open border is causing inflation.

Or even some kind of logical explanation on how it could.

IkePoR said:

I'm happy to engage with this, not trying to be dismissive.  Sorry you feel that way.

1&2. I hope you don't mind but I'm combining these as they mostly refer to the same end.  First, would you say you're anti-natalist? Second, if contraception is fine and we have more reliable means of it than ever, why are we fighting for the most barbaric, monstrous form of it? It's not being snippy, it hedonism. Third, is the freedom of the baby we're aborting less valuable than the mothers?  Because that would be very dangerous rhetoric.  

3. You would agree with me that SAVE is an IDR correct?  And it has a cost attached to it correct?  I'm not sure what you want from me here.

>would you say you're anti-natalist? 

Most pro-choice people are not. Pro-choice is not about being anti-fetus/anti-baby.

>why are we fighting for the most barbaric, monstrous form of it?

Because sometimes abortion is a life saving procedure.

And the exception to the mother's life, is often too late. Because even if the doctor knows that it is going to be life threatening, they can't do anything about it until it is actively threatening their life, and at that point it's too late. 

>Third, is the freedom of the baby we're aborting less valuable than the mothers?

We don't force people to use their bodies in any other situation.

Would you be happy if the government passed a law so that if a 6 year old has a bad kidney and needed yours, that the government could forcibly take yours?

There are no other situations where we say it's okay to use someone else's body for something. People have to consent, even dead people have to consent to allowing their body to be used for organs for life saving procedures, by consenting before they die.

Last edited by the-pi-guy - 5 days ago