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zorg1000 said:
IkePoR said:

So lets see if I got this right: it's covid and only covid then?  And nothing to do with mortgage interest rates, mortgage payments and rent being higher, the Russia-Ukraine war, or profligacy in the treasury? 

Like they said, high inflation isn’t something that happens all of a sudden and is usually from a variety of factors coming together at once, one of those factors was Covid.

Covid saw large parts of the economy shut down in 2020 and as things started to open back up in 2021 we saw supply chain issues due to increased demand, labor shortages and lingering Covid restrictions. This was exacerbated by the war in Ukraine in 2022 where sanctions on Russia saw oil prices skyrocket.

A combination of Fed interest rate hikes and supply chains stabilizing have seen inflation gradually come down from its peak of 9.1% in June 2022 to 2.5% in August 2024 which is close to the ~2% target of the Fed and we will likely see interest rates start coming down.

Their original claim presumed inflation was only because of covid, I addressed it in my last post  here

Torillian said:
IkePoR said:

I've found it difficult to meet one American that says they're having a better time over the last four years verses the prior four. When I interact with them they acknowledge it, sort of pause, then proclaim they're voting for Kalama. When asked what's it based on, there's lots of platitudes and diverting, before finally falling on "Trump's just x." No policy they like or often even know about the candidate chosen for them, no honest fandom for their candidate, no moral reasoning for their candidate. They just hate the other guy.

It's interesting that one person can make such a wide swathe of people go mad. It's certainly something for the sociology majors.

I can answer that question. Yes inflation has gotten worse, but I don't trust someone who wouldn't let go of power and still can't agree he lost. 

Your answer is literally the same, Trump is x.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"