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UN investigators call on Israel to stop attacks on West Bank journalists

UN experts have condemned rising violence, intimidation and obstruction of journalists working in the occupied West Bank.

“We strongly denounce the attacks and harassment of journalists in the illegally occupied West Bank, which are nothing but crude attempts by the Israeli army to block independent reporting on potential war crimes,” the experts said.

The experts include Irene Khan, special rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and Francesca Albanese, special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967.

They cited at least three incidents in September in Jenin and Tulkarem, in which Israeli forces fired live ammunition at journalists or their vehicles while reporting on military raids and civilian casualties.

At least four journalists were wounded as a result, even though several wore clearly marked “press” jackets.

“It is deeply disturbing to see Israeli soldiers in the West Bank replicating the same disdain for the safety of journalists as in Gaza in blatant violation of international law. Foreign media continue to be denied access to Gaza, and now their safety in the West Bank is also being seriously threatened, gravely hindering their journalistic work,” the UN experts said.

Turkey to seek international arrest warrants over killing of US-Turkish activist

Turkish Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc said the country had evidence regarding the Israeli military’s killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the occupied West Bank last week and will be seeking international arrest warrants for those responsible.

Earlier, we reported that Turkey has announced it will conduct its own investigation into Ezgi Eygi’s killing and will bring the case before the UN and push for the body to launch an independent inquiry.

Tunc said the Ankara chief prosecutor’s office is investigating “those responsible for the martyrdom and murder of our sister, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi”.

On Tuesday, Israel’s military said it was “highly likely” its forces shot  Ezgi Eygi “indirectly and unintentionally” while they were aiming at a “key instigator” of an anti-settlements protest she was taking part in.

Municipal crews removing rubble, debris in Tulkarem

The Wafa news agency is reporting that municipal workers in the occupied West Bank city and its refugee camp have begun making repairs and removing rubble and debris from the streets after Israeli forces withdrew from the area on Thursday afternoon.

The agency reported “great and widespread destruction” in the city and its refugee camp after the deadly three-day operation.

At least five Palestinians, including a girl were killed, while several more were arrested, it said.

At least 20 homes were blown up or burned to the ground, while roads were dug up and water, sewage and electricity networks were bulldozed, Wafa added, citing local officials.

The three-day raid was Israel’s second offensive on Tulkarem since August 28.

It came as Israel’s military carries out a large-scale operation against Palestinian armed groups in the northern governorates of the occupied West Bank. The campaign is Israel’s biggest in the territory since the second Intifada of the early 2000s.

Palestinian children walk past damaged buildings, following an Israeli military raid, in Tulkarem, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, September 12

Israeli forces carry out raids, arrests across the occupied West Bank

The Israeli military has stormed several towns across the occupied West Bank, according to local media sources.

They include:

  • Ezbet al-Jarad in Tulkarem, where Israeli soldiers have arrested a Palestinian man
  • The town of Beit Fajjar, south of Bethlehem, where they’ve arrested a 14-year-old boy
  • The village of Deir Nidham, northwest of Ramallah, where they’ve uprooted olive trees and bulldozed land
  • The towns of Anabta and Bal’a, east of Tulkarem
  • The towns of Azzun and Hableh, near Qalqilya
  • The town of Beit Awwa, west of the city of Dura

Israeli settlers have also attacked Palestinian homes in the Khalayel al-Loz area, southeast of Bethlehem.