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What Trump and Vance basically ask is the equivalent of some dude breaking into your home, raping and murdering half your family under the excuse that he was paranoid because you joined a neighbourhood watch, then occupying two of the rooms in your house, then the cops coming round and saying "eh, we aren't going to do anything about this, we won't arrest or prosecute him and you better give him 2 of the rooms for peace and live with him" then fucking off with a "bye, you're on your own" C'mon Man, Lol.

I constantly repeat it but no Americans would give up Texas, New York, California or any state for "peace" America got attacked by Japan once and fucking nuked the country...Twice...No Republican can seriously tell me that America, a country which screams about freedom and cream over their guns, wouldn't be demanding America bombs the absolute shit out of Russia if Russia attacked America and I'm not saying Ukraine should nuke Russia or anything extreme like that, I'm simply pointing out hypocrisy of how some people in certain countries demand Ukraine surrender but sure as shit wouldn't do it for their own.

If Ukraine one day decides to surrender then I will support the decision even if I think it will be a mistake for all the reasons I stated above, unless the surrender comes with an immediate ascension into NATO but I will reluctantly support it because Ukraine is an independent state but as long as Ukraine continues to fight then I will continue to support them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024